Amaranta Ruiz and Amara Zaragoza personal life, career, awards and Net worth
Billie Eilish - an American singer, writer, and performer. The debut track Ocean Eyes is her most successful song. Her birthplace and life experience was as a child in Los Angeles California. Being from a musical family, she was bound to pursue a career as singer and performer. In her early years she was a member of the choir. And by the age eleven, she composed and performed her own original songs. Her childhood was spent with her elder brother Finneas O'Connell as the most influential person in her life. He had his own band and wrote a track titled Ocean Eyes. Billie Eilish recorded the song and released it online. It became a massive success. This was the first time she had a major achievement. Her brother produced the track Bellyache in 2017. The record's success, Billie came out with her debut EP, Don't Smile at Me in August 2017. The album debuted on a number of American charts and international charts. Apple announced her as their Up Next Artist in September 2017. ...